E-learning categories
In order to learn from each other and with each other, several e-learnings are offered in the shop. These e-learnings are divided into different themes. In this way we make the shop easy to navigate and you can immediately find the topic that applies to you.

Quality management
Quality management is managing all the important processes in an organization. These processes are maintained in a quality management system. Within this system you strive for the highest possible quality of a product, process, service or organization. With the e-learning(s) that are available on this topic you not only expand your own knowledge, but you can also train your employees and make them aware of the importance of quality management within an organization.

Food safety
The rules for food safety are laid down in food safety legislation, These are administered by the government and bodies such as the NVWA and the European Food Safety Authority. Recent food scandals in areas such as food fraud make this subject increasingly topical and important. To properly comply with these laws and regulations within the organization, it is all the more important to properly train your staff in them.

Working in healthcare involves a lot: you have to comply with various laws and regulations, be able to deal with aggressive clients, but also be able to perform nursing procedures. In order to deal with this correctly as an organization, it is important that both you and your employees are properly trained. Several e-learning(s) and online trainings are offered in our shop to support you and your employees in this. Many of these e-learning(s) and online trainings are accredited.